Open Me First! 👀

Welcome!! 🎉

Let me first say how proud I am of you for taking this step for yourself and for your business.

Starting a business can be scary, but here you are! In order to grow, we must step outside of our comfort zones. Because remember...

Spoken by a true legend, Michael Scott.

Alright let's dive in! Below you will find an introduction video - watch that first. Then you're off to the races! Be sure to take this journey one step at a time, and remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. This will be a process, but if you stick with it, it will be so worth it.

You got this! 💪

One side note - I established my tutoring business as an LLC as soon as I went full time with my business because I wanted to be protected. I recommend putting an LLC in place for tax purposes, as well as to protect yourself and your assets. On my own journey, I received help from a trusted tax professional, which is what I always suggest others do as well. Each state's requirements are different, so be sure to look into it before you get started. You can also find helpful information in regards to starting an LLC here.

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